Puerto Rico co.’s reveal top 3 priorities in Aon’s Global Wellness Study

A total of 24 companies in Puerto Rico that participated in the Aon Global Wellbeing Report via online interviews between August and November 2022 revealed that their three main priorities are: attracting and retaining new talent, employee well-being, and innovation in products and services.
Aon, a global professional services firm, has announced the results of its 2023 Global Wellness Study, which reveals Puerto Rico market findings. The study was unveiled at an event titled: “Wellness and Resilience: What Do the Data Tell Us?” held at the Caribe Hilton Hotel in San Juan.
Aon’s customer service director for Health Solutions, Sylvia Ruiz; Wellness Manager Bárbara Carbonell; and the head of Retirement and Financial Wellbeing, Latin America, Moisés Pérez, spoke at the event. They helped attendees analyze “whether your company’s wellness strategy strengthens its resilience and that of its employees.”
“Globally, 43% of companies have increased their investment in wellness programs,” Ruiz said. “Most of the study’s respondents told us that, after 2020, well-being has become more important for their companies and almost half of the participants said employee well-being has increased in priority.”
Ruiz added that the event included practical and creative exercises designed to enhance the participants’ personal well-being.
The study also examined health conditions or risks that most significantly impact companies’ performance. The primary health conditions in Puerto Rico are musculoskeletal conditions (57%), followed by diabetes and cancer (52%), obesity (48%) and physical inactivity (48%).
Participants further noted that high blood pressure (29%), heart disease (24%), high cholesterol (14%), communicable diseases (10%) and strokes (10%) are the primary health conditions that directly impact their company’s performance.
Additionally, the companies identified the following emotional health topics as “the five most critical issues for your employees”: work/life balance (86%); stress (57%); burnout (48%); financial struggles (43%); sleep issues (33%); anxiety (29%); caregiving issues (19%); depression (19%); family support issues (14%); and conflict and violence (14%). The top five employee well-being issues were identified as mental and emotional health; burnout/languishing; financial risk and stress; physical health; and navigating a virtual and hybrid work environment.
The study outlined the top 10 physical well-being initiatives provided by companies as: tobacco-free workplaces; vaccinations; virtual care (telehealth); company-sponsored community “active” activities; digital well-being apps and resources; nutrition education; activity and movement related team challenges; lifestyle behavior coaching; ergonomics (assessment, equipment); and screenings (blood pressure, BMI, glucose).
Financial health of households
The study also underscored the challenges associated with the financial health of U.S. households, with a particular focus on retirement age.
France, for example, has proposed a minimum retirement age of 64 years, the study notes, adding that the issue will inevitably be dealt with in more countries, where the age to fully retire is 67 years old.
This issue is particularly significant given that the study shows 40% of U.S. households do not save or have savings, 45% have credit card debt with average balances of $6,300, and 36% cannot cover a $400 emergency.
“Aon’s mission is to help companies to consistently improve the financial well-being of their employees, through educational programs segmented according to the life stage of the employee,” the study concludes.