Baby Boomers Expo marking 7th edition Oct. 8-9

With more than 120 exhibitors, 10 seminar rooms, a “Plaza del Mercado,” a “Plaza de Artesanos,” health clinics and more, the expo seeks to reinvent itself each year so that repeat visitors is exposed to new benefits.
The seventh annual edition of the Baby Boomers Expo will take place Oct. 8-9 at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, when organizers will aim to draw 20,000 members of 50-plus crowd to get educated on issues affecting them, participate in health clinics, and more activities.
The first time the event was held in 2011, it drew more than 15,000 participants, organizers said.
With more than 120 exhibitors, 10 seminar rooms, a “Plaza del Mercado,” a “Plaza de Artesanos,” health clinics and more, the expo seeks to reinvent itself each year so that repeat visitors is exposed to new benefits.
“Puerto Rico is reinventing itself and one of the pillars of that transformation is the older adult. For that reason, at the Baby Boomers Expo we’re committed to offering them tools to expand the knowledge of the people who offer us the greatest life experiences on the island,” said William del Valle, one of the event’s producers.
Baby Boomers is “proof that that there exists a population in Puerto Rico, more than 33 percent to be exact,” that is motivated and focused on achieving a better quality of life, on educating themselves, enjoying themselves and teaching us what they have done over time without limiting themselves to their experiences, but also to learning and having fun,” said Eric García, who also produces the event.
For more information, visit the Baby Boomers Expo Facebook page.