Boston Scientific Dorado celebrates ‘Manufacturing Month’

As part of the celebration of “Manufacturing Day,” Boston Scientific Dorado will host for a whole month different technology activities and workshops open to students, professionals from different specialties and the public so that they can learn about the importance of manufacturing in medical equipment.
“October 1 is officially celebrated as ‘Manufacturing Day.’ But we want to celebrate more than one day, which is why we decided to celebrate the entire month,” said Aisha Rodriguez, senior communications specialist at Boston Scientific Dorado.
“The idea is to be able to bring information to the community about what we do in the field of manufacturing and spark the interest of those who do not know about this industry,” she said.
The activities will run through Nov. 5. The week of Sept. 27 to Oct. 1 will be dedicated to manufacturing operators, their achievements, and their contributions. Starting every Friday of each week, the company will offer live content of interest, with talks about the different technologies that are used on the manufacturing floor to perform processes. These include 3D printing, electrode spinning, molding and COBOT. The format of these workshops, tours and talks will be virtual via the company’s YouTube channel.
- Oct. 8: Virtual Line Tour (Acuity X4) and Core Team Panel – tour that will show the different parts of a manufacturing process the members of the manufacturing floor-Operator, Quality Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Supplier Quality, Industrial Engineer.
- Oct. 11: Tech Talks: 3D printing and molding.
- 3D Printing: method of creating three-dimensional parts using a design created on a computer. Molding: injection molding using polymers.
- Oct. 22: Tech Talks: COBOT -collaborative robot
- Oct. 29: Tech Talks: Electrode Spinning
- Nov. 5: Project Management Seminar with OPM Team- talk on project management on International Project Management Day. The talk will offer project management techniques.
Those interested in the activities can reserve their space via the following link.