US Census: P.R. population will be at barely 3M by 2025

Puerto Rico’s population will reduce significantly in the next decade, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
The U.S. Census Bureau has updated its demographic projections for Puerto Rico, predicting that the island’s population will be at 2.98 million by 2025, or 25 years earlier than its original projection, the Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics revealed.
The update is the latest since 2013 and took into account demographic components such as births and deaths through 2015. As the entity representing the State Network Data Center of the U.S. Census Bureau in Puerto Rico, the Institute broke down the data as follows:
- The new projection leaves a little more than 2 million people (2,089,492 people) in Puerto Rico in 2050.
- Updated projections are consistent with preliminary data from the Demographic Registry, which suggest that the number of deaths exceeded births during 2016.
- In the new scenario, it is assumed that the current immigration wave will continue until 2025, when it is estimated that some 25,000 people will migrate from Puerto Rico in net terms.
- The population pyramid summarizes Puerto Rico’s aging population through 2050, showing a narrow base.
“It is our duty to ensure that Puerto Rico is kept up to date with new figures that the U.S. Census Bureau publishes on our reality,” the Institute’s Executive Director Mario Marazzi said.
“Over the next decade [2017-2026,] the federal government now projects that Puerto Rico’s population will be reduced annually by 1.4 percent on average, a reduction we believe is seven times higher than the assumed projection [0.2 percent] in the government’s and Oversight Board’s Fiscal Plan,” he said.
Tables with population projections from International Data Base (IDB) of the US Census Bureau for Puerto Rico and countries are available here. Information on the methodology used to produce the estimates and projections of the IDB can be accessed here.