Columbus Communications donates $120K to nonprofits

María E. Guzmán-Millán, pre-kindergarden teacher leads her group of students, as Félix Lugo, country manager of Columbus Business solutions, looks on.
Columbus Communications and its local division Columbus Business Solutions recently delivered a donation of $60,000 each to Hogar Infantil Divino Niño Jesús in Luquillo and Hogares Teresa Toda in Canóvanas, from the proceeds of the 8th edition of its Charities Golf Tournament.
“Columbus’ social commitment is to empower the countries in which we do business to support the development of their communities and their social assets,” said Felix Lugo, country manager for Columbus Business Solutions in Puerto Rico.
“Each year we select charities to fulfill that commitment of sharing the success of our company with monetary support to put in the hands of the needy,” he said.
Hogar Infantil Divino Niño Jesús is a private nonprofit institution created to offer a care, support and early stimulation program to children up to five years old, to achieve comprehensive children development in boys and girls with emphasis on those from single mothers in this area of Puerto Rico.
Meanwhile, Hogares Teresa Toda is another nonprofit organization with a mission to provide young girls a permanent home where they can live and receive comprehensive training to develop as independent and productive women.