Film Commission programs will remain in place

Integrating the Puerto Rico Film Commission into the Economic Development and Commerce Department will “help align Puerto Rico’s strategies to promote the film industry, while generating efficiencies to maintain the Film Fund,” said the latter agency’s Chief Alberto Bacó-Bagué Wednesday.
His comments come a day after Gov. Alejandro García-Padilla disclosed a list of 25 agencies that will be eliminated and merged into other existing dependencies in an effort to reduce the size and expense of running the government.
“The evolution of our film industry over the last 15 years has been extraordinary, thanks to the work of the Film Commission. The film industry is one of the areas of greatest potential for export and job creation,” he said. “We have no doubt whatsoever that the Film program will become stronger, by having all of the Economic Development and Commerce Department’s resources at its disposal.”
Last year, the Film Commission oversaw 29 film productions that pumped $59 million into the local economy.