COR3 seeks contractors for debris removal, demolition of 15,495 properties in P.R.
The Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction and Resiliency, known as COR3, has issued a request for proposal to implement a Private Property Debris Removal and Demolition program, to be funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency.
“The debris removal and demolition process of a private structure that may pose a risk to the environment entails a rigorous and orderly process, and requires the approval of COR3, FEMA and government agencies involved in each particular project,” COR3 Executive Director Ottmar Chávez.
In this case, the program will through the Infrastructure Financing Authority (AFI, for its initials in Spanish), which will define the goals and objectives. Debris removal from and demolition of private property is generally not eligible for FEMA’s Public Assistance funding.
“But the agency may help fund removal and demolition if storm-related structure damages and debris on residential and private business property is so widespread and extensive that public health, safety and the economy recovery of the community is threatened,” according to the RFP.
“In this process we will make sure that all actions are in compliance with regulations, requirements and applicable laws. The process is one open and applicants must meet each of the steps established,” Chávez said.
Implementing the program requires inspecting the residences and establishing the scope of the work, getting eligibility approval from COR3, which will determine that the structure is an imminent threat to life, health and/or public safety. The work must be endorsed by FEMA and there must be compliance with permit requirements.
Once compliance with the stages and evaluation is established, the project sequence is established, and the contractor will proceed with demolition and/or debris removal.
According to the RFP, the chosen contractor will also have to also run abatement processes in both residential and commercial properties to identify hazardous materials prior to a demolition.
In the case of commercial properties, the work will consist of consolidation, collection and hauling of storm‐generated debris, as well as demolition work, as instructed by AFI.
The number of sites to be addressed under the Private Property Debris Removal and Demolition programs is expected to be 15,495, dispersed across Puerto Rico’s 78 municipalities, the RFP stated.
“Webstand firm in continuing Puerto Rico’s recovery and reconstruction process in abconsistent and effective manner. We’re collaborating hand-in-hand with localband federal agencies so that each process is conducted in compliance with allbstandards required for our communities to be more resilient in the future,” Chávez said.
The timeline for the RFP establishes a proposal submission deadline of Sept. 9, 2019 at 1 p.m. The award announcement will be made Sept. 19, 2019.
Puerto Rico may also pursue demolitions under other federal‐ and locally funded programs utilizing the same contractor teams assembled under the Private Property Debris Removal program, the RFP established.