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DDEC invites businesses to participate in federal procurement assistance event

As part of the 4th Procurement Technical Assistance (PTAC) Centers National Day, the Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DDEC, in Spanish) is invites local businesses and entrepreneurs interested in exhibiting and selling their products or services to the federal government, to participate in a virtual event organized by the agency’s Federal Contracting Center (FeCC) on Sept. 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.

“This activity has been programmed with the intention of joining the celebration of the PTAC National Day, providing small and medium-sized businesses with information and guidance to help them expand their operations, selling to the federal government, whose purchasing processes are regulated in a different way,” said DDEC Secretary Manuel Cidre.

“We encourage you not to miss this opportunity and participate and benefit from the valuable information that experts on the subject will share,” he said.

“Also, I invite you to coordinate appointments with the FeCC staff so that they can support and assist you with your sales plans to the federal government,” said Cidre.

The scheduled activity will include the participation of Félix Cabrera, a procurement specialist from the Puerto Rico PTAC, and representatives of the private sector. Acevedo will offer a talk on how to market products and services to the federal government, said FeCC Manager Pedro Acevedo, adding the office he heads is open Monday through Friday, by appointment.

From 2016 to 2020, the Puerto Rico PTAC has offered orientation, training, and technical assistance to 7,945 merchants and contracts have been achieved with the federal government, amounting to $906,000 to sell them several products and services. All services provided by FeCC are free, Acevedo said.

To participate in the virtual event, access the following link. Interested parties may also request the services offered by the FeCC by writing to [email protected] and calling 787-758-4747 ext. 3181.

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This story was written by our staff based on a press release.

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