Labor execs to discuss impact of Obamacare on sector
The Association of Labor Relations Professionals will discuss Obamacare and its impact on the labor sector, among other issues, during its monthly seminar slated for Oct. 24, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Attorney Mariacté Correa, of the O’Neill & Borges legal firm, will make the presentation.
Meanwhile, Attorney Francisco Benítez, of the same firm, will present a conference entitled “Obesity: Disability under the ADA?,” followed by Attorney Yldelfonso López, who will speak about the latest developments in sexual harassment in the workplace.
The cost to attend this conference is $95 per person (non-members), $65 (members), $70 (students) and $75 (government employees). For reservations, call 787-918-3003 or via email, to [email protected].