Engineers, Surveyors re-elect Rodríguez to presidency

Engineer Edgar I. Rodríguez-Pérez was reelected as president of the College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico, during the trade group’s recently concluded annual convention.
Edgardo N. Martínez-Pérez was also reelected as vice president for the engineers, and Evi de la Rosa-Ricciardi as vice president, representing the surveyors grouped under the group known as CIAPR, for its initials in Spanish.
“I continue my mission in the CIAPR at a time of many challenges for Puerto Rico, and will continue providing specific solutions, as we have done in the past year in all relevant issue involving our professions,” said Rodríguez-Pérez.
“In neuralgic issues, from the [island’s] water supplies, earthquakes, to our energy challenges, we have been there in the public discussion and will continue to be, to provide solutions. Our commitment here is twofold: to our community and to our members,” he said.
Rodríguez-Pérez presented to the assembly a summary of achievements for the past year and the continuation of a work plan that is founded on two main areas: making increasingly accessible services to colleges, by delivering them to their municipalities using technology, such as distance education, and strengthening ties with the community.
Rodríguez-Pérez is a Civil Engineering graduate from with a Master’s degree from the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez and member of the Permanent Register of Surveying. He is a public servant with a long history, holding senior positions in the Puerto Rico Highway Authority, Puerto Rico Public Housing, the UPR and the Municipality of San Juan.