Kevane Grant Thornton launches new smartphone app

Kevane Grant Thornton announced Monday the launch of the first tax and business application for mobile devices in Puerto Rico, calling it “an innovation in the accounting profession.”
The application was created after evaluating the growing need of the clients and companies in accessing up-to-the minute tax alerts, updates and monthly publications on audit, tax and outsourcing information.
Kevane Grant Thornton is the first certified public accounting and business advisory firm that has created such tool, company officials said.
“We believe this tool will assist individuals and dynamic organizations and in their growth planning and decision-making processes,” said Miguel Ocasio, managing partner of Kevane Grant Thornton. “Kevane Grant Thornton is proud to introduce to market this new and innovative product developed by our experts in the audit, tax and outsourcing services.”
An additional feature of this application is that it gives users access to a customized tax calendar for individuals, businesses or other entities, “an excellent tool to manage filing or payment requirements with government agencies,” company officials said.
The application can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Android Market and is available for Motorola, IPhone, Android and all tablet computers.