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Legal technology expert to deliver conference on contract management

Prashant Dubey will discuss strategies for efficiency, compliance and risk reduction in business contracts.

Prashant Dubey, the chief strategy officer at Agiloft, a leading contract management software provider, will present “Transforming Puerto Rico: The power of efficient contract management” today at 3:30 p.m. 

The conference, designed to help business leaders and corporations refine their processes to navigate evolving federal and state policies, will be held at Base Co-Work in Santurce (1666 Ponce de León Ave., in front of Leonardo’s). Admission is free, but registration is required due to limited space.

“I love Puerto Rico,” said Dubey, noting that this is not his first visit to the island, where he has fond memories.

“It also has a vibrant business climate and an energizing entrepreneurial spirit. I am very flattered that our business partners in Puerto Rico, eliteBco, thought of me to offer this presentation … in such momentous times,” he said.

“They are doing incredible work in Puerto Rico implementing great projects with Agiloft’s legal technology tools in local and federal agencies. This presentation offers a great opportunity for private sector leaders to benefit from these technologies,” he added.

Dubey will discuss how contract management technologies help companies comply with laws and regulations, save time and money, reduce risks and increase profitability.

“It is a privilege to have Prashant Dubey visit the island and an ideal opportunity for business leaders, business owners, especially corporate lawyers, finance and budget executives, and engineers to learn about the latest advances in contract automation and help them achieve the greatest potential of their processes,” said Luis Báez-Black of eliteBco, Agiloft business partner in Puerto Rico.

Dubey will give away copies of his latest book, “Gen O: The Rise of Legal Operations,” to early attendees.

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