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MMM Telehealth invests $5M in ‘Cita Virtual’ telehealth app

In response to the needs of older adults for more convenient ways to get healthcare services, MMM announced the launch of “Cita Virtual” (Virtual Appointment), a service for Medicare Advantage (MA) plan members that schedules an appointment with the patient’s primary doctor or, if their own doctor is not available, it can guarantee an appointment with another provider in MMM’s network.

MMM Cita Virtual entailed an investment of more than $5 million and was developed by eVisit, MMM President Orlando González said.

In contrast to other MA plans, with Cita Virtual, access is done via the MMM mobile application — there is no need to connect to another external application to request the service, the provider said.

This telehealth service, free for members, allows them to get medical care through a video call from home, “something that is particularly convenient as everyone is still dealing with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said González.

“Cita Virtual makes it easier as it ensures that patients talk to their doctor via phone, computer, or tablet and use the video camera so they can see each other instantly. In addition to follow-up consultations and medical evaluations, members can get medical orders, for example, for lab tests, x-rays, or preventive or diagnostic tests, review clinical documents, and obtain electronic prescriptions for medications,” he said.

A member will be able to check the availability of their doctor and schedule future appointments. Once an appointment has been made, the member can get alerts or notifications to their email and/or cell phone about cancellations, confirmations, and doctor on hold. This service is in Spanish and has customer service staff to help.

Telemedicine or telehealth makes it easier for bedridden patients, those without transportation, or who live in rural areas far from doctors’ offices and hospitals to get medical care. This is also convenient for all who prefer to hold virtual consultations from home for common symptoms that do not require an in-person visit or an emergency room.

As it happens during in-person visits to the doctor, Cita Virtual guarantees the protection of the members’ privileged health information, as established by HIPAA law.

This service facilitates the work of physicians by giving them the opportunity to perform various basic tasks at their convenience and in compliance with HIPAA regulations, including: scheduling appointments on the spot; instant messages; direct connectivity to the website or app; attachment of documents; and electronic prescriptions.

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This story was written by our staff based on a press release.

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