P.R. Institute of Statistics offers courses to improve data gathering skills
Looking to expand the statistical information on a number of topics and educate about statistics and tools available to manage and access them, the Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics is hosting a series of workshops and webinars.
While the workshops requiring attendance target mainly government employees and representatives of non-governmental entities responsible for keeping statistics in their organizations, webinars can be accessed by anyone with internet access, the Institute said in a release.
The cycle started in March and runs through May.
“The Institute ‘s mission is not only to coordinate the production of statistics from data provided by government agencies, but to also make them manageable and accessible to officials and citizens,” said Orville M. Disdier, the Institute’s interim executive director.
“Our courses are aimed at promoting better use of existing data,” he said.
The workshops cover a variety of statistics-related topics, from basic to more specialized. Two webinars will be offered this month, the first on April 5th, on the search of socio-demographic data and an update of the work leading up to the 2020 Census, and the second on April 26th, on the Institute’s applications. On April 11 there will be a workshop on the Tableau Public tool for data visualization.
The pre-registration to take the courses is done through the Institute’s online registration system. The applicant will receive confirmation by email. Workshops requiring attendance will give priority to government employees working as as statisticians and nonprofit organization employees who manage statistics.