P.R. Products Association to host #DíaHechoEnPR event
The Puerto Rico Products Association will host #DíaHechoEnPR, a full-day event on April 28, when it will unveil an agenda that will target education, motivation and recognition to those responsible for moving the Puerto Rican economy through their local products and services.
The full-day event will begin with a forum entitled “Leading the way in our economy” and will bring together five executives who will discuss challenges and opportunities for the island’s private sector.
Last year, the trade group launched the #LoMejorParaTodos campaign based on economic studies related to the “Hecho en Puerto Rico” brand and two events in which local retailers gathered at Plaza Las Américas to sell their goods. The results of the initiatives “proved Puerto Rican consumers support local products and services,” said Marilú Otero, executive vice president of the Puerto Rico Products Association during a news conference Wednesday.
“‘Hecho en Puerto Rico’ must lead the way in this economy, which is why with this forum the public will be able to get information on Puerto Rican and foreign companies that are betting on us,” Otero said.
“Not only retailers, such as Econo and Wal-Mart, but also leading companies in local services that compete and export their goods, even within the economic reality we live. How do they do that? That’s what event attendees will learn,” she added.
During the one-day forum, the Association will bestow its Excellence in Quality Awards, recognizing the director of the Puerto Rico national baseball team, Edwin Rodríguez, and the entire team following their recent successful participation in the World Baseball Classic.
“Knowing teamwork is one of the characteristics of successful individuals or organizations. This was the case with our team during the tournament: they learned teamwork and achieved one of the best sporting performances for our island,” said Ramón Pérez-Blanco, president of the trade group.