Puerto Rico Products Assoc., Orlando CofC team up

Manuel Cidre signs the collaborative agreement earlier this month in Orlando, as a member of that city’s Hispanic Chamber of Commerce looks on.
The Puerto Rico Products Association and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando recently signed a collaborative agreement with the goal of promoting products and services in Puerto Rico through entrepreneurs and investors in the central Florida city.
“Both organizations agreed to work together to help position Orlando and Puerto Rico as two of the most attractive business destinations for the Puerto Rican community in the United States,” said Puerto Rico Products Association President Manuel Cidre.
“We will work to expand advocacy efforts, the development and consumption of goods and services made in Puerto Rico in the Orlando market, as well as turn the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando into the first contact for Florida entrepreneurs and Puerto Rican companies interested in broadening their scope outside the island,” he said of the three-year agreement signed Oct. 18.
Among other things, the two trade groups agreed to identify entrepreneurs and investors to raise awareness about Puerto Rican production activities, as well as encourage business relationships with Puerto Rican entrepreneurs for possible acquisition of products and services as part of the commercial exchange with the city of Orlando.
The agreement has been in the works for two years, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando President Diana Bolívar said.