Puerto Rico Ports Authority joins Airports Council International
The Puerto Rico Ports Authority has joined the Airports Council International, an organization that represents airport authorities worldwide.
Established in 1991 and with 1,960 airports in 176 countries, ACI represents the interests of airports with governments and international organizations, develops standards, policies and recommended practices for airports, and provides information and training opportunities to raise standards throughout the world.
Its mission is to provide the public “with a safe, efficient and environmentally responsible air transport system.”
“The COVID-19 virus demands more commitment from all members of society,” Ports Executive Director Joel A. Pizá. “The Ports Authority, as the entity in charge of air operations on the island, aspires to comply with the strict regulations that govern the ACI’s Airport Health Accreditation Program (AHA).”
“By submitting to the accreditation process and the standards of ACI’s AHA accreditation program, we aspire to provide a healthier and more reliable service in our airport facilities, for the benefit of both the domestic and international traveling public,” said Pizá.
The two airports that will participate in the program are Merecedita in Ponce and Rafael Hernández in Aguadilla, as they both receive international travel.
The ACI’s office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) has 270 airports in 34 countries that manage 95% of the air traffic in the region.