Senate distinguishes Doral’s support of female entrepreneurship

The Senate’s Women Affairs Committee recently recognized Doral Bank’s initiative to support the economic and professional development of Puerto Rican female entrepreneurs through its “Mujeres d Éxito” community program.
The recognition that took place during the institutional program’s first round of workshops in Mayagüez last Saturday, also included the bank’s senior vice president of marketing, public relations and community, Lucienne Gigante.
Since the program launched in 2011, Doral has invested some $2 million in initiatives that support the professional and entrepreneurial development of women. “Mujeres d Éxito” has created approximately 50 jobs, has been part of the development of more than 20 businesses and it has provided essential professional tools to more than 500 women around the island.
“’Mujeres d Éxito’ serves as a great example to follow, which seeks to end discrimination against women and join the will of many to take charge of social responsibility as a united community. This new generation of women represents an immeasurable value to the [island],” said Sen. María T. González, who chairs the senatorial committee.
During the event, González underscored Gigante’s work, which spans the more than 10 years she has been with Doral, working on establishing the bank’s social responsibility standards. Since 2007, Doral has created seven community programs, all of which have positively impacted communities across Puerto Rico.
“At Doral, the vision of social responsibility comes from the high executive levels and it has been an honor to be part of a team that has its north pointed toward a greater good. We’re very grateful for this recognition and we pledge to continue working on the economic development of women in Puerto Rico,” Gigante said.
Saturday’s “Ruta Mujeres d Éxito” event drew participation by more than 100 women who attended seminars offered by experts in various fields. Marketing, communications, permit procedures, time management and professional etiquette were some of the topics covered.