Tourism Co. invites tourists to ‘leap away’ from the cold

Capitalizing on the cold weather that’s currently hitting the U.S. mainland, especially along the Eastern seaboard, the Puerto Rico Tourism Company launched a new viral campaign inviting tourists to visit the island and enjoy its warm tropical weather.
The initiative was born as a response to a trend created during the fierce snow storms that recently hit the mainland, in which people made videos throwing themselves from rooftops and windows to get out of their homes after being locked in by the heavy snow storms, and then shared them using the #BostonBlizzardChallenge hashtag.
After the hashtag went viral, the Tourism Co. created the campaign and invited three challenge participants to travel to Puerto Rico this past weekend to get away from the cold and share their experience visiting the island’s beaches and other attractions.
“Through our initiative, we are inviting people who are having a hard time due to the cold weather in the United States [mainland] to visit our island and enjoy our warm weather and all the great tourist attraction,” said Tourism Co. Executive Director Ingrid I. Rivera-Rocafort.
The three winners were Emmanuela Fornazier, Jeffrey Bruno and Kiara Gomes.