TransPerfect’s new expansion to add 50+ new jobs in Puerto Rico
TransPerfect, a San Juan-based language and technology solutions provider for global business, plans to double its office space from 50 to 100 seats in TransPerfect’s Management Learning Center.
“We are setting up the office to accommodate another 45 to 50 employees. If we find the appropriately skilled individuals to work with our software and technology, we can see that happening by the end of the year,” said Roy Trujillo, COO for TransPerfect Puerto Rico.
The biggest investment for TransPerfect comes in its plan to locate and hire technology professionals in the IP front to develop, manage and update software to further innovate global translations.
“The majority of our employees working in our San Juan office are natives of the island. We expect to continue to try and hire locally within our talent and skill requirement,” he said.
Additional future investments consist of continuing to expand TransPerfect’s Management Learning Center, which will soon undergo innovations such as refurbishment. Meanwhile, TransPerfect is aiming to purchase a new property close to its original facility, which will later be turned into a residence that will be used for executive meetings.
“If we continue this path, our presence in Puerto Rico will eventually surpass 200 to 300 employees, plus the investments in real estate and separate fields. TransPerfect is poised to continue delivering exceptional language and technology solutions to its global clientele,” said Trujillo.