UPR in ‘Global Entrepreneurship Monitor’ study

The Entrepreneurship Development Program at the School of Business of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus is taking part in the 2013 “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor” study, an event with which it has been involved since 2005.
The School of Business offers an entrepreneurial development certificate that provide both business and non-business students a curricular sequence of five courses to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to design, and start new enterprises. The courses are taught with the collaboration of entrepreneurs, which provide students with practical tools to compete in the business field.
GEM is an annual assessment of the entrepreneurial activity, aspirations and attitudes of individuals across a wide range of countries. The project began in 1999 as a partnership between London Business School and Babson College.
“Entrepreneurship indicators generated by the GEM study for each country and international comparisons led to the study of entrepreneurship and economic development are very valuable to conduct a thorough analysis of these issues in Puerto Rico,” said Aida Lozada-Rivera, director of the Entrepreneurship Development Program. “This input can be translated into public policy can strengthen the creation and development of local businesses.”
The UPR’s team is composed by Marinés Aponte, Ph.D., team leader and professor, Department of Finance; Marta Álvarez, Ph.D., professor, Institute of Statistics and Computer Information Systems; and Lozada-Rivera, who is an MBA, CPA, and project manager.
The School of Business and Banco Popular de Puerto Rico fund the GEM study.