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Bureau of Transportation and other Public Services moves into new HQs

The Chairman of the Public Service Regulatory Board (JRSP, in Spanish), Edison Avilés-Deliz, announced that earlier this week, the operational offices of the Bureau of Transportation and other Public Services (NTSP, in Spanish) have moved into new headquarters at Stop 18 in Santurce.

This is the same building that houses the Telecommunications Bureau’s offices.

The only NTSP office that will remain at its current headquarters in Río Piedras is the NTSP Central-East Regional Office, he said.

The NTSP, an entity attached to the JRSP by virtue of Law 2011 of 2018, has quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial functions, and is in charge of overseeing commercial transportation and most public land transportation services in the territory of Puerto Rico.

In addition, it is the agency in charge of licensing cargo transport companies and passenger transport companies and their operators, including transport network companies, ambulances, luxury transport, taxis, school transport, as well as other service companies. public such as moving companies, gas companies, rental vehicles, and warehouses, among others.

“The relocation of the NTSP will allow savings in public spending and greater administrative efficiency,” Avilés-Deliz said.

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This story was written by our staff based on a press release.

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