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COR3 disbursements for municipal permanent works up 26% Y-O-Y in 1Q21

The Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction and Resiliency (COR3) confirmed that disbursements to municipalities under the permanent works categories and participants of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Public Assistance Program reflected a 26% year-over-year increase during the first quarter, versus the same period in 2020.

Agency Executive Director Manuel A. Laboy said that some $21.2 million were disbursed in the first three months 2021. Meanwhile, in that same period in 2020, the amount reached about $16.8 million.

“We’re committed to expediting the processes in favor of the municipalities because the people urgently need the development of permanent works that provide safe and resilient infrastructures that allow Puerto Rico’s full socio-economic development,” Laboy said.

“There’s still a long way to go, but we’re focused on teamwork together with the mayors for the well-being of our people,” he said.

The permanent works carried out in the municipalities cover categories C, D, E and F. Under Category C the funds are destined to the reconstruction of municipal roads and bridges. Meanwhile, Category D is for improvements in water control facilities. In the case of Category E, infrastructure needs in buildings, as well as equipment, are met.

Municipalities also received reimbursement for the permanent works they carried out under Category G for parks, recreational facilities, among others, and Category F aimed at the recovery of basic services.

At the end of 2020, approximately $99.9 million was disbursed to municipalities under the permanent works categories.

Laboy said his team is in the final evaluation on the new changes to ease internal requirements on disbursements, while complying with federal stipulations.

He also insisted on the economic need of the municipalities and certain state agencies to carry out permanent reconstruction works and pointed out that in the coming days, the agency will publish the guides so that towns can access a Revolving Fund of $750 million.

“We continue to focus and urgently address the concerns of the mayors to ensure compliance with Gov. Pedro Pierluisi’s public policy to urgently address the development of reconstruction works in Puerto Rico,” Laboy said.

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This story was written by our staff based on a press release.

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