E-Loan expands personal finance education via Facebook

To participate in the sweepstake, people are asked to share their wish to be entered to win one of the $5,000 in prizes and a $10,000 grand prize.
E-Loan, a wholly owned subsidiary of Popular Inc., announced Tuesday the “Wish and Win” Facebook sweepstakes, giving away $15,000 in personalized prizes to “help fans’ financial dreams come true.”
The financial service site that specializes in providing tools and sources to borrow, save, invest, improve credit score and insure valuables will now be available to educate and assist through social media.
“With the quickly evolving economic landscape, we felt that it was the right time to re-launch our online services and continue meeting the public’s demand for financial education,” Camille Burckhart, E-Loan chief technology officer said. “This time, we are able to engage and educate in an innovative way – joining the conversation in social media.”
Whether it is a mortgage, home remodel, college tuition, a new car, or a dream wedding, E-Loan’s savings and loan programs will help make the dream real, the company said. To participate in the sweepstake, people are asked to share their wish to be entered to win one of the $5,000 in prizes and a $10,000 grand prize.
E-Loan has also created seven financial infographics to share tips for healthy spending, building credit and ways to save on dream home remodels, nurseries and weddings. In addition to the infographics, E-Loan is offering financial calculators and informative articles to assist consumers during potentially confusing financial decisions.