PR-EESA opens call for 4th edition of ‘Battle of the Buildings – Puerto Rico’
As part of the effort to develop and promote best practices in energy efficiency and as a prelude to the celebration of “Energy Efficiency Day” on Oct. 5th, the Puerto Rico Alliance for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, or PR-EESA, announced the opening of the registration period for the fourth edition of the “Battle of the Buildings – Puerto Rico” competition.
The program aims to promote best practices in the efficient use of energy, integrated design and development of modernization projects and renewable energy systems in commercial buildings in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.
Citing data from the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, in 2016, commercial buildings in Puerto Rico consumed about 8.5 trillion kilowatt-hours (KWH), equivalent to the energy consumption of an entire year of 688,590 residences or deforestation of 22 million trees.
“Energy efficiency is nothing but consuming energy responsibly and effectively. A country that uses less energy to achieve the same or better results obtained numerous benefits; strengthening its economy, increases competitiveness, reduces the cost of doing business, creates new jobs, increases its resilience — ingredients needed for fast, effective, and sustainable economic development,” said Jorge Molina, executive director of the Alliance and founder of the program.
Owners and operators of existing buildings may compete in the categories of energy, water, and gas saving. The three participants with the highest percentage of savings in energy, water and gas between 2017 and 2018 will be recognized.
The Alliance also seeks to recognize programs, projects or initiatives under the categories of integrated design, construction, renewable energy, waste management, education, incentives, and financing.
Meanwhile, the Alliance and chapters of Puerto Rico ASHRAE and USGBC have joined forces to develop new categories and programs for students, in an effort to encourage the development of a new generation of professionals in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Innovation.
Those interested in participating in this year’s competition should complete the registration form through the Alliance’s website on or before Sept. 30, 2018. The winners will be announced in March 2019.