Estudios Técnicos broadens research capabilities with Consumer@Site acquisition
Estudios Técnicos Inc. has acquired Consumer@Site, expanding its capabilities in “mystery shopper” and consumer experience services to complement the other consumer behavior-related services the Puerto Rico-based consulting firm has offered for the past 25 years.
Founded by Juan Charana, Consumer@Site provides technology-based evaluations by anonymous shoppers assessing processes and service quality across various sectors.
Estudios Técnicos, which was established more than 38 years ago, is a prominent consulting, research and technical advisory firm. It has an interdisciplinary team of more than 38 experts specializing in market strategies, economics, planning, social and economic policies, data analytics, and other areas.
“With the acquisition of Consumer@Site, we aim to provide the island’s companies and businesses with the most innovative and robust tools to understand consumer behavior and design strategies to enhance the consumer experience with brands,” said Estudios Técnicos President Graham Castillo.
The firm’s Consumer Behavior and Market Strategies Division offers services including customer experience design and management (ETICX), digitized mystery shopping, surveys, focus groups, ethnographic studies, pre- and post-campaign studies, brand health studies, online consumer panels, and data analytics with artificial intelligence.
“The combination of mystery shopping with consumer experience techniques, ETICX©, represents a powerful information tool for companies, in a context where change is constant and where the customer prioritizes their experience with the brand,” said Cristina Vargas, director of the firm’s Consumer Behavior and Market Strategies Division, also certified in customer experience design and management.
Services like ETICX, Vargas noted, enable companies to collect real-time information about customer experiences and manage detractors at various customer contact points.
Regarding mystery shopper services, Vargas emphasized that the acquisition of Consumer@Site enhances the firm’s capacity and incorporates new technology to quickly observe and identify opportunities for improving service quality and customer and sales processes. Consumer@Site’s studies undergo a quality control process, with reports validated and sent to clients within 72 hours of the visit.
Furthermore, Consumer@Site is a member of the global Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA).
“At [Estudios Técnicos], we welcome the companies that are part of our clientele. Our services will expand to other companies interested in these services,” Castillo added. “Through this acquisition, we reaffirm our commitment to providing the highest quality services and having the most innovative technologies and techniques to meet the needs of companies and businesses.”