P.R. Dept. of Agriculture, Starbucks Foundation to import coffee beans

The Agriculture Department and the Starbucks Foundation will likely import between 1 and 2 million coffee seeds from Mexico.
Puerto Rico Agriculture Secretary Carlos Flores Ortega confirmed that during a recent meeting with representatives of the Starbucks Foundation, an agenda and timetable were set to soon begin importing coffee beans to the island.
“After an analysis of the devastation by Hurricane María in Puerto Rico, the Agriculture Secretary has supported the Starbucks Foundation during a series of meetings since January to bring coffee beans to Puerto Rico. We have agreed how this joint effort will occur to import the seeds as soon as possible,” Flores said.
“We are talking about import between one and two million coffee seeds. With the Foundation’s cooperation, we’re in the rigorous process of assessing the seed that will probably be imported from Mexico,” Flores said.
The government agency will direct the application process through access to highly detailed information on the origin of the seeds, how they were collected and treated. Flores said it will be necessary will need to import seeds in two batches to limit the risk of pests and diseases in seed lots.
The cooperative effort with the Starbucks Foundation, addresses the coffee seed as a priority. Presently, the collaboration between Agriculture and the Starbucks Foundation is in the seed evaluation stage.
what is the problem in that if Starbucks purchasing coffee beans from agriculture.