PdMTech marks 15th anniversary, expands operations

Puerto Rican engineering and predictive maintenance firm PdMTech is marking 15 years of solid growth by expanding its operations to Dominican Republic and South America.
PdMTech focuses on predictive maintenance, an engineering discipline that shows the operating status of machinery and equipment in operation by non-destructive measurements of behavioral indicators.
“Today more than ever, in this economic climate, the goal of predictive maintenance is essential for many industries, allowing them to anticipate the occurrence of faults. It guarantees efficiency and continued operation,” said Jesús R. Sifonte, president of PdMTech.
Sifonte is one of the few Latin Americans certified as Vibration Analyst Level III according to the recommended practice of SNT-TC-1A by the Technical Associates of Charlotte. He obtained the certification in 1996. He is an international consultant with more than 25 years of experience.
“In 2001, I came up with the idea of creating a training and maintenance company in predictive maintenance because in Puerto Rico because this service was extremely limited here. There was a genuine need for a company that would provide service according to world class best practices in engineering, and 15 years later, we have seen how this vision has become increasingly important and necessary,” said Sifonte.
As part of its expansion plans, PdMTech opened offices in Dominican Republic and by the end of this summer will open offices in South America.
“In times of economic recession, we must seek opportunities of growth in other markets, exporting our resources. As part of an alliance between PdMTech and Dominican company Inproca, [we] will be offering the same services in the Dominican Republic,” he said.