CPAs to host seminar on incentives, Jobs Now Act

Puerto Rico Trade Executive Director Francisco Chévere will be among the speakers. (Credit: © Mauricio Pascual)
The Puerto Rico CPA Society, in collaboration with the Economic Development Bank and Puerto Rico Trade and Export, will offer a three-hour seminar about the incentives program available with the approval of the Jobs Now Act.
Leading the discussion will be PR Trade Executive Director Francisco Chévere, Enid Colón, director of the agency’s CDN Metro, and EDB President Joey Cancel-Planas.
They will explain the terms of the law, eligible businesses and program incentives associated with the mandate. They will also offer information on additional incentives available for new businesses, business development, expansion of existing business and energy credit, among other topics.
The seminar will take place Oct. 7, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the CPA’s Hato Rey headquarters. For reservations and fees, call 787-622-0900 or visit