Doral, Rooms To Go grant family new, furnished home

Doral Bank and retailer Rooms To Go, in partnership with Proyecto ENLACE, announced Monday the culmination of a campaign that granted a three-bedroom home to a low-income family residing in the Martin Peña Channel community in San Juan.
The four-member family comprised by María Rolón and her three children will move out of an unsafe, two bedroom home into the new property that will also be outfitted with $2,000 worth of Rooms To Go furniture.
“We are delighted to be part of this alliance, being able to help a Puerto Rican family live in better conditions is part of our commitment to Puerto Rico. We are grateful that Doral Bank is counting on us to impact a family of the [Martín Peña Channel] community,” said Bryan Shames, president of Rooms To Go.
The nonprofit chose the family that will be relocated, said María Hernández-Torrales, chairwoman of the group’s board of trustees known as the Fideicomiso de la Tierra.
Doral and Rooms To Go launched their joint campaign in October that also called for extending special financing offers to Doral customers closing loans before Nov. 20, 2014.