EAA launches digital edition of ‘green’ energy magazine
The Energy Affairs Administration launched Monday the latest edition of its “La Mejor Idea” (The Best Idea) digital magazine, a publication that focuses on green energy matters and conservation. The magazine is available free of charge through the agency’s website.
“La Mejor Idea” emphasizes on the transformation into a “green” Puerto Rico through educational articles and results of energy projects driven by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds.
“Energy conservation and investment in ‘green’ [technology], are fundamental to the economic development of our island, while they reaffirm the shift toward a greener local economy,” said EAA Executive Director Luis Bernal-Jiménez. “Part of our commitment has been to educate and inform citizens that investing in green [technology] is the best idea.”
Among the topics discussed in the second edition of “La Mejor Idea” are the hundreds of projects in public and private facilities, the EAA’s investments, as well as educational partnerships developed with members of retail and industry. It also documents the impact that the weatherization program will have on about 10,000 families and educates professionals about where to go for training on issues of climate and building energy codes.
“This magazine is an educational told for the people through which we will learn first hand about how to go about adopting conservation and energy efficiency in our lives,” Bernal-Jiménez said, of the publication found at www.puertoricoverde.net.