Alelí Environmental gets $100K EPA grant to support agricultural education

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that Alelí Environmental has been selected to receive funding to support agricultural education and community projects in southwest Puerto Rico.
The EPA anticipates that it will award Alelí Environmental an Environmental Education grant in the amount of $100,000 once all legal and administrative requirements are satisfied.
“We’re very pleased to select Alelí Environmental to receive this funding, and are excited that they are partnering with the Municipality of San Germán to support agroecology education in public schools,” said EPA Regional Administrator Pete Lopez.
“Locally-focused environmental education projects like this are important towards better understanding and promoting the role of agriculture and agricultural practices in protecting the environment,” he said.
Alelí Environmental Inc Co-Director Glenis Padilla-Plaza said the funding will strengthen an agroecology program that will build capacity in six public schools of southwest Puerto Rico.
“Our short-term goal is to motivate youth to pursue a career in sustainable agriculture. Our long-term vision is to see our island plant the seeds for self-sufficient livelihoods, respect for nature, and healthier lifestyles,” Padilla-Plaza said.
For this project, Alelí Environmental Inc will partner with the Laura Mercado Agroecology Specialized School (LMASS) and the Municipality of San Germán to strengthen the LMASS agroecology education and to expand their agroecology program to surrounding schools.