HUD renews $20.7M in funding to 63 homeless programs in Puerto Rico

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced it has renewed funding for 63 homeless support programs in Puerto Rico, meaning the availability of $20.7 million for that purpose.
The allocation is part of a global $2.5 billion budget to renew existing grants for more than 6,500 community-based housing and service providers across the US and its territories, the agency said.
HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) grants “will provide critically needed support to 6,597 local programs on the front lines of serving individuals and families experiencing homelessness.”
“HUD wants to ensure that thousands of local homeless assistance providers continue to receive federal funds needed to provide stable housing for people experiencing homelessness during these trying times,” said Acting HUD Secretary Matt Ammon.
“Renewing these grants not only offers relief to our local partners but it allows Continuums of Care to continue their work to end homelessness and help keep our most vulnerable neighbors off the streets,” he said.
The largest grants allocated to Puerto Rico are: $1.02 million to Continuum of Care at the Municipality of San Juan; $1.5 million to Transitional Housing de Vuelta a la Vida, Sanación y Hogar, which is run by the Mental Health & Anti-Addiction Services Administration; and, $1.09 million to the Puerto Rico Housing Department’s Rental Assistance Program.
HUD’s Continuum of Care grant funding supports an array of interventions designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, particularly those living in places not meant for habitation, located in sheltering programs, or at imminent risk of experiencing homelessness.
Each year, HUD serves more than a million people through emergency shelter, transitional, and permanent housing programs.