P.R. Community Foundation becomes COVID-19 coalition fiscal sponsor
The Puerto Rico Community Foundation has become the fiscal sponsor of the multidisciplinary group, Puerto Rico COVID19 Wisdom Coalition (COSACO, in Spanish).
The relationship strengthens the educational strategy outlined by the recently created group comprising renowned health professionals and from other areas headed by physician Jaime Claudio, which seeks to disseminate consensual and reliable information about the coronavirus to save lives, the nonprofit said.
The fiscal sponsorship will allow COSACO to receive donations from individuals and companies both in Puerto Rico and the U.S. mainland.
“In response to the pandemic, the Puerto Rico Community Foundation is executing a community strategy for the prevention and containment of the spread of the coronavirus among the elderly population, through our community allies: community health clinics and grassroots organizations,” said Nelson I. Colón-Tarrats, president of the nonprofit.
“Part of this prevention is achieved with truthful, punctual and accessible education, a goal that we share with COSACO,” said Colón-Tarrats, who is also philanthropic advisor to COSACO.
COSACO describes itself as a public platform to deliver the most accurate information to Puerto Rican families on the deadly virus.
“COSACO is focused on adding our collaboration to the response to the pandemic through information that enables citizens to make wise decisions,” said Claudio, professor of Medicine and Family at the University of Puerto Rico. “We have developed a series of tools to add this knowledge and deliver it to Puerto Rico so that together we can save lives.”
Donations are encouraged through different alternatives: via checks made out to the Puerto Rico Community Foundation, with the COSACO acronym on the memo line; via credit card, by visiting the foundation’s website and selecting COSACO from the drop-down menu; and via electronic bank transfers.