PR IT Cluster announces 1st ‘Call For Papers’ on industry topics

“This year, we’ve decided to make this ‘Call for Papers’ to broaden the scope of the CIO and provide a space for people who wish to exhibit on issues related to the industry,” said PRITC Board co-chairman Juan Carlos Chipi.
“The selected participants will present their ideas in front of important private sector CIO’s, innovative leaders and IT local and international companies,” he said.
Those interested may submit academic papers and/or electronic presentations — in English or Spanish — by Feb. 15. The submissions will go through an evaluation and selection process, and then be presented at the 7th edition of the CIO & IT Leadership Conference, slated for May 8 at the Sheraton Hotel and Casino of the Convention District in San Juan.
This year’s theme will be “Emergent IT Technologies: Enabling the Knowledge Economy in the Caribbean.”

Some of the topics of interest for presentations include technologies and opportunities represented by artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), the cloud, cybersecurity, fintech and healthcare industries, electronic payment processing and telecommunications, said PRITC Board Member Eliut Flores, and coordinator of the “Call For Papers.”
“One of the main objectives of this call is to encourage reflection on how we can use these and other technologies to grow the knowledge economy in Puerto Rico and the entire region,” said Flores.
“That’s why we urge proponents to explore these issues, as well as to carry out collaborative research and monetization initiatives amog universities, companies, innovative organizations and governments,” said Flores.
“Puerto Rico produces a human capital of exceptional scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs and we must capitalize on it,” Flores said, adding that “an additional incentive for people interested in participating in this call is that the PRITC will electronically publish a volume of the Conference proceedings.”
Those interested should submit a summary of no more than 300 words, in English or Spanish, along with information about the authors and affiliations, including contact information and their photo. All information will remain confidential, Flores said.
Participants whose submission proposals are selected will be notified on or before March 1, 2020. Final papers and PowerPoint presentations must be submitted to the PRITC on or before April 15, 2020. The compiled volume of the articles will be published online. Sept. 1, 2020.