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My Business Reads

Want to learn to be a better speaker? Then dive into these

Two new books offer tips for public speaking and everyday conversations.

“Don’t Say Um: How to Communicate Effectively to Live a Better Life”
by Michael Chad Hoeppner
c.2025, Hachette Go $30
288 pages

“Talk: The Science of Conversation and the Art of Being Ourselves”
by Alison Wood Brooks
c.2025, Crown $30
336 pages

Huh? What did you say?

Didn’t quite catch that, would you please repeat it? Slower this time. Now, did you mean what you said, or did that come out all wrong? Would you like to reframe that statement? Because, you know, them’s fighting words, and you’d better say what you mean. It’s easy to do with these two new books about better communication.

Your hands are sweaty, and you’re thinking of calling in “dead” to work next week because it’s your turn to give a presentation, and you hate speaking in public. Before you pick up the phone, though, grab “Don’t Say Um” by Michael Chad Hoeppner and dig in. You’ll feel a lot better when you do.

Starting at the very beginning and moving step-by-step, this helpful book offers the know-how and confidence you need to be prepared to do your best the moment after you clear your throat. Hoeppner even prepares readers physically, by offering pointers on getting your body ready to do this thing, where to look while you’re speaking, how to breathe so you’re not as nervous and what to do with your hands. Can you walk around? Should you? How do you keep an audience interested and on their toes? And how do you avoid saying “dumb stuff”?

These things — and more — are in this book, along with activities, corrections and ideas to make your presentation shine. It’s an interesting, fun read that you’ll enjoy, even if your job doesn’t include public speaking — because you never know…

But what about those face-to-face conversations at work? If you struggle with those, or with email, phone convos, and v-mail, pick up “Talk” by Alison Wood Brooks.

You’ve been having conversations almost since you were born, and you might think that good communication comes naturally, but you may also be very surprised. Do you, for instance, know how conversations work?  If not, well, now’s the time to learn, so you can become that person everyone wants to talk with.

Here, Brooks presents “TALK Maxims” that teach readers how to have a beneficial back-and-forth discourse, when to use (and not use) humor, and how to control a conversation in a good way. If you’re leading a team or a brainstorm session, you’ll learn how to get the best out of everyone there. Going further, Brooks explains how TALK Maxims can help when speaking on the phone, crafting enticing emails and texts, and using social media at work and at home. Even the slightest effort, she says, helps make you a great cocktail party guest or employee.

Hint: New clients will love you!

If these two books aren’t enough and you want more, be sure to use your wonderfully scintillating new talents to quiz your favorite librarian or bookseller. They’ll be glad to see you because they like talking to people about books, and they’ll know exactly what you need to say the right thing, apologize, wow a customer or get your point across succinctly. “Don’t Say Um” and “Talk” are both books you need, huh?

* Editor’s Note: News is my Business earns a small commission if you click the links in this post and make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.


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