Nobel Prize in Economics to discuss P3s investments

Harvard University professor and Nobel Prize in Economics in 2007, Eric S. Maskin, will present his conclusions on the benefits of public-private partnerships to support healthy economic development during a forum on Mar. 23.
The Puerto Rico Association of Financial Analysts, known as APAP, and consulting firm Estudios Técnicos will host the event.
“The presentation of this valuable resource occurs at a time when Puerto Rico’s fiscal transformation is in full swing and public-private partnerships are proposed as a mechanism to support the economic recovery,” said Milton Burgos, president of the APAP.
“The theories and conclusions the Nobel Prize will present will allow us to integrate academic and global perspectives to this issue, which will be beneficial to both government officials involved in promoting these partnerships and representatives of the private sector involved in these projects,” Burgos said.
Maskin received the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics with two other academics for laying the foundations of mechanism design theory, which allows to distinguish situations in which markets work properly and where they do not.
As part of his presentation on the topic of P3s, he will discuss his theory on the limits to government spending on development projects under this model and the circumstances in which such limits may be effective.
Maskin is also a great scholar and contributor on topics such as game theory, contract theory, social choice theory, political economy and other areas of the economy.
The luncheon will take place at Restaurante Antonio in Condado. For more information, call 787-620-2688 or email to the address [email protected].