FirstBank launches ‘The Call’ campaign to thank Puerto Rico
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting Puerto Rico, financial institution FirstBank launched its newest campaign, entitled “The Call,” to show appreciation for members of the general public who “are doing their best, day in and day out, to meet the basic needs of our people as we undergo Puerto Rico’s worst health crisis.”
“This message recognizes the brave people who put the lives of others before theirs, who live with purpose, who are committed to the well-being of others, and especially our employees, who continue to demonstrate that they are committed to offering our customers the best service, even during this emergency,” said FirstBank President Aurelio Alemán.
“The Call” presents workers in the health field, food supply chain, security, cleaning, and FirstBank employees working in their respective areas in real time.
The ad begins with a call to thank those doing their daily jobs to make sure essential services continue to run during this time. Because Puerto Rico is in a lockdown and 24/7 curfew, the entire commercial was recorded with cell phones while following the rules of social distancing.
“The greatest challenge of this ad was making it from a distance, without a film crew. Nevertheless, we were able to capture and document the protagonists performing their daily work for the benefit of the general public. For FirstBank, these people — and particularly our employees — are our heroes,” said Ginoris López-Lay, the bank’s executive vice president and director of strategy management.
“The Call” will include the hashtag #GraciasATiPrimero on social media, which the public can use to give recognition to those people who exemplify that we all have what it takes to make things happen.
The campaign includes a TV commercial, a print ad, and digital media efforts.