Optum opens toll-free help line to support Irene victims
Minnesota-based Optum announced Thursday it has set up a free emotional-support help line – in Spanish and English – for people in Puerto Rico affected by Hurricane Irene. Affected residents can call 866-342-6892 for help managing stress and anxiety.
The health services company’s toll-free help line number will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for as long as necessary, Optum said in a statement released Thursday.
“Specially trained mental health specialists from the company’s OptumHealth business help people manage their stress and anxiety so they can continue to address their everyday needs. Callers may also receive referrals to community resources to help them with specific concerns, including financial and legal matters,” Optum said.
Along with the toll-free help line, emotional support resources and information are available online in English at www.liveandworkwell.com and in Spanish at www.mentesana-cuerposano.com.