Puerto Rico agriculture sector loses $23.5M in wake of Tropical Storm Ernesto
Farmers are urged to file insurance claims, if they have them.
Puerto Rico’s agriculture sector experienced $23.5 million in losses following Tropical Storm Ernesto’s passage across the island last week, according to Agriculture Secretary Ramón González.
The most impacted sectors include plantains, with losses of $11.5 million; coffee and vegetables, with $2.5 million; and bananas, with $2 million. Citrus and fruit sectors reported $800,000 in losses, while hydroponic structures faced $1 million in damages. Roads and preparation costs amounted to $2 million, and forage losses were $1.2 million.
Farmers with insurance for vegetables and pineapples should file claims through the Agricultural Insurance Corp. (CSA). They can also seek assistance from the USDA’s Federal Farm Service Agency (FSA) and the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP).
“Although agriculture is once again being shaken by a storm, all available resources are being identified to assist them as soon as possible. The agricultural sector is a backbone of our economy, and we’re working for its rapid recovery,” González stated.
The Agriculture Department is coordinating with the Agricultural Enterprise Development Administration (ADEA) and requesting funds from Puerto Rico’s Office of Management and Budget to aid insured farmers who cannot claim their insurance policies through the CSA.
Regional agronomists are visiting farms to complete loss reports. Affected farmers who are insured but do not qualify for CSA coverage should file a new claim with their agronomists and area directors through their regional offices.
For claims with the CSA, contact 787-722-2748, 787-722-2965 or 787-829-2900.