Puerto Rico CPA Society, EDB ally to identify financing
The Puerto Rico CPA Society and the Economic Development Bank have partnered to, among other things, identify financing sources and services to help promote local products and services companies with the goal of creating jobs and strengthening existing businesses, EDB President Joey Cancel-Planas said Thursday.
Through the “Attracting Benefits for Puerto Rico Entrepreneurs” agreement, the EDB — with the help from other government agencies such as Puerto Rico Trade and Export — will provide training to CPA members on benefits and incentives provided through the Jobs Now Act.
“After the training phase is over, we’ll develop a virtual technological tool that is expected to facilitate the process that small and medium businesses usually conduct to identify incentives for their business,” said Cancel-Planas. Some of these incentives include the energy credit and exemption on real property, among others.
Meanwhile, the CPAs will assist the EDB in preparing the agenda for training sessions and will provide facilities, equipment and resources to offer the workshops.
The collaboration will run through August 2014.