Nagnoi’s Medicare Advantage customers in P.R. increase their star ratings

Technology company Nagnoi, which specializes in advanced analytics solutions for the healthcare industry, announced that all of its Medicare Advantage customers in Puerto Rico utilizing the “STARSTrack” system obtained a 4.5-star rating for the 2019 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Five-Star Quality Ratings.
STARSTrack, a solution developed by Nagnoi, allows health insurance agencies to monitor CMS’ Five-Star Quality Rating Program. Currently MCS Advantage, Inc., MMM Healthcare, and Triple-S Salud Inc. use STARSTrack to proactively monitor the data used by CMS to measure their performance.
“For Nagnoi, it is an honor to be part of the achievement of these three health insurance agencies of obtaining an outstanding 4.5 quality rating,” said Miguel Colom-Mena, co-founder of Nagnoi. “Together we are positively impacting the health care of thousands of Puerto Ricans.”
“When you work to improve the quality of life of more than half a million lives or approximately 15 percent of the population, it clearly affects all of us who live here,” said Nestor Figueroa, also co-founder of Nagnoi.
“This endeavor is achieved through collaborative work with health insurance agencies and by investing in cutting-edge solutions. We are extremely happy for our clients, for the Nagnoi team, and for Puerto Rico,” he added.
CMS annually evaluates the quality of care received by Medicare Advantage beneficiaries from their health insurance agencies and health care system. The quality rating is a key component in financing health care benefits for Medicare Advantage plan members.
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