DDEC’s Workforce Development Program has funds to train new, existing workers

The Department of Economic Development and Commerce’s (DDEC, in Spanish) Workforce Development Program announced the availability of funding from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act for employers interested in training their workforce.
These trainings allow employees to update their skills and retain their jobs, DDEC Secretary Manuel Cidre said.
In addition, these trainings benefit the employee, as they develop skills to compete in the current job environment, he said.
“Today’s businesses are facing great challenges. However, there’s aid available to train their workforce. With the funds provided by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act program, business owners will be able to train their workforce so that it becomes competitive, agile and at the forefront,” said Cidre.
To get the grants, employers must request and comply with the necessary requirements for qualification, approval and hiring, he said.
The funds available include several types of workforce training:
On the Job Training: Structured training provided by a private sector employer, for profit or not, to a worker who earns a salary, while performing productive work on a job, that provides new knowledge or new skills essential for full and adequate job performance.
Customized Training: Training designed and developed to meet the particular needs of an employer or group of employers, with the commitment to retain those workers who successfully complete the training.
Incumbent Worker Training: Training designed to meet the particular requirements of an employer or group of employers to retain a workforce or avoid the need to lay off employees by providing them with the skills necessary to keep their jobs. The training is done with the employer’s commitment to retain or avoid laying off the trained employees.