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Econo launches 2nd phase of social responsibility campaign

Supermercados Econo, in conjunction with 17 companies, announced the second phase of its “Gestos Positivos Pásalos Pa’lante” (“Positive Gestures, Pay them forward”) corporate social responsibility program will kick off Saturday.

“During the first phase of the program, ‘Positive Gestures’ took hold of our stores,” said Lino Hernández, Supermercados Econo chairman. “And this second phase will not be the exception. We know that our stores are the best vehicles to continue to convey that with every action comes an opportunity to make a difference.”

Last year, the 58 Econo stores throughout the island came together to launch the effort, he said.

The newest stage of the four-phase campaign will last five months, during which the retailer will get involved with community schools, as well as hold special events to mark this year’s Father’s Day celebration.

“People who go to any of our 58 stores next Saturday will receive a cup of seeds to pay forward the positive gesture of planting a seed. They will also receive cards with four new positive gestures: Sharing household chores, say please, drive politely and volunteering,” said Javier Viera, marketing manager for Econo.

Collaborators joining this second round of the campaign include Uno Radio Group, Tres Monjitas, Procter & Gamble, Puerto Rico Supplies, Pan Pepín, Rovira, Tactical Media Group, PRO, Coca- Cola, Unilever, V. Suárez, Bright Signs, On Shelf Media and Magic 97.3, among others.

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Business reporter with 30 years of experience writing for weekly and daily newspapers, as well as trade publications in Puerto Rico. My list of former employers includes Caribbean Business, The San Juan Star, and the Puerto Rico Daily Sun, among others. My areas of expertise include telecommunications, technology, retail, agriculture, tourism, banking and most other segments of Puerto Rico’s economy.

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