Popular Insurance launches ‘Auto Seguro’ service
Popular Insurance recently announced the launch of “Auto Seguro,” an offering that consists of selling auto insurance and roadside assistance online. The service is the product of an alliance with general insurance agent Velox24, a company dedicated to selling car insurance through the web.
Through popular.com/autoseguro, customers can quote and buy auto insurance in about 10 minutes in an easy, fast and cost-effective way — from the comfort of their home or office.
“This initiative seeks to satisfy customers who are currently interested in buying auto insurance online. Currently, there are 1.8 million Internet users in Puerto Rico, 37 percent of which make online purchases, and 70 percent use mobile devices to conduct transactions,” said Ramón D. Lloveras San Miguel, president of Popular Insurance.
Auto Seguro allows customers to select one of four insurance policies. Once the customer confirms the purchase, they will receive the policy within minutes by email. In addition, during the process clients can access an online chat to speak to a service representative 24/7.
“Auto Insurance comes to facilitate that process for our customers. with Auto Seguro, we’re reaching our customers through the channels they prefer,” he added.