Y&R Puerto Rico launches AI tool to measure value of brands on social networks

Social networks have taken over the digital world and Puerto Rico is no exception. The easy access to them promotes free expression by creating communities that are of great interest to the brands that have ventured into the digital world, by maintaining their presence in the networks.
Recently, advertising agency Y&R Puerto Rico and consulting firm BAV Group launched BAV Social, tool based on Artificial Intelligence that will enable brands to learn more about their audiences, generate communication strategies and contents that “really connect with their followers,” said Luis Fernando Dugand, regional director of strategic planning for Y&R Latin America.
“What differentiates BAV Social from other digital measurement tools is that it allows us to know, in real time, how the brand is perceived, what feelings there are toward it and whether it is part of the community,” Dugand said.
“This differentiation is achieved by making an analysis of the brand through a proprietary Y&R algorithm that integrates: a listening tool data (Social Studio) and data from the Brand Asset Valuator, which is Y&R’s proprietary brand study,” he said.
BAV Social provides metrics of the acceptance of a brand in social networks and presents those results in four graphics: Vitality — positive perception of users toward the brand; Involvement — measures the organic participation of users; Mood — how active the community that is talking about the brand is; and, Prominence, which measures the volume or feeling of the content generated about the brand.
The benefits for BAV Social users, in addition to obtaining a metric in real time — monthly — of the activity of their brand on social networks, are being able to produce specific guides to identify areas of opportunity — weakness and strength — to improve the behavior and actions of the brand on social networks, in addition to obtaining the information to develop social marketing strategies designed for brands to connect with their users and help in their long-term performance.
Dugand said BAV Social creates a connection between social data and the business world, to create a “unique strategy.”
“We use metrics from the BAV database to not only make marketing recommendations, but also for community and business loyalty,” Dugand said.
Although BAV Social is a proprietary tool developed by Y&R, it is open to clients outside its roster. So far, BAV Social is measuring social media reactions to 250 brands in Puerto Rico.
“We have a pretty big interest in what’s happening in Puerto Rico, which is why we created a new division within Y&R, which is BAV Group,” said Andrés Rodríguez, of Y&R Puerto Rico.
“More than generating posts, we want to generate conversations, to have a ‘live’ brand. Also the digital world gives us the possibility to measure and make recommendations in real time,” Rodríguez said.
The BAV Social tool relies on Artificial Intelligence that harvests reactions according to language, applying it to Puerto Rico — where consumers speak Spanish, English and “Spanglish” — represented a “huge challenge,” Dugand said.
“We recognize local differences. I spent six months traveling from country to country in Latin America training the AI model around local idioms. The algorithms that work in Argentina don’t necessarily work in Puerto Rico. The system respects local dialects,” Dugand said.