More than 5K professionals enroll for free English course

More than 5,000 professionals from a wide range of fields — from engineers, banking executives and public and private sector management staff — recently enrolled for a free English course offered by local firm América Aponte & Associates Corp. in conjunction with Rosetta Stone.
The Puerto Rico English Program for Adults is a a comprehensive program to provide conversational English classes for free to adults and employed staff to so they are prepared to obtain new and better job market opportunities.
“The response has been impressive and sheds light on the reality of our workforce. Within days we received hundreds of calls from banks, government agencies, and pharmaceutical industries all coordinating to enroll employees,” said Alexandra Lúgaro, executive director of the course and of América Aponte & Associates.
“This highlights the urgent need in Puerto Rico to expand the teaching of English as a tool for professional growth. To think that there are professionals in every imaginable branch who do not know English, is an indication that it should be a priority in the advancement of our workforce,” she said.
The program and the partnership, funded Workforce Investment Act funds through the Adult Education Program assigned to the Education Department’s Assistant Secretary for Community Services, offers conversational English courses for professionals in any field who do not know or are not fluent in English, at no cost to participants.
The company will soon announce new dates for upcoming courses, given the huge reception the program has received.