Puerto Rico P3 Authority opens 2nd RFQs for advisor firms

The Puerto Rico Public-Private Partnerships Authority announced Thursday it has issued a “Second Request for Statements of Qualifications” to update and/or supplement its List of qualified advisors.
This list was created with the submissions received in response to an RFQ issued on Oct. 5, 2009, and currently comprises qualified firms interested in providing advisory services to the P3 Authority and/or any participating government entity in connection with the establishment of a public-private partnership.
The P3 Authority is looking to revise the roster by updating the information provided by the candidates currently on the list, and inviting additional firms and/or individuals to submit proposals.
Firms already on the list are required to inform of any material changes to the information contained in their original submissions, the agency said in a statement issued Thursday.
Other firms not included in the list are also encouraged to respond, the agency noted.
RFQ-2013-001 can be accessed on the P3 Authority’s website at www.p3.gov.pr. The deadline to respond is Aug. 12, and individuals and firms of any size are invited to submit their information, the P3 Authority noted.