Puerto Rico’s main airport breaks July record with 1.3M passengers

Puerto Rico’s Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport has broken its July passenger record with more than 1,275,215 travelers. Airport officials said that operations for the month involved a total of 13,256 takeoffs and landings and 3.8 million bags processed by the various airlines.
“July 2023 is the second consecutive month that the airport breaks all records in passenger traffic compared to previous years and in the history of the airport of more than 68 years,” said Jorge Hernández, president of the airport’s operator, Aerostar Puerto Rico.
According to Muñoz Marín Airport data for June, the facility also set a new historic record with 1,163,331 passengers served.
“We will continue working with our route development resources together with the Tourism Company and the [destination marketing organization (DMO), Discover Puerto Rico] to continue promoting the development of the tourism industry,” Hernández said.
The island’s main airport is planning investments in new technology and infrastructure modernization to operate with more airlines, increase flight frequencies and ensure the safety and comfort of its customers, according to a media release on the record months.
“The results,” Hernández said, “benefit the economic development of Puerto Rico and foster the creation of new jobs and greater offerings in the tourism sector.”