The 20/22 Act Society donates $1.2M to 37 nonprofits in Puerto Rico
The 20/22 Act Society announced the distribution of funds to some 37 nonprofit organizations on in Puerto Rico, who received a combined $1.2 million.
“Commitment to charities is the most important pillar of our organization,” said Robb Rill, founder of The 20/22 Act Society. “For the second year in a row and despite the prevailing global situation, we were able to impact more than 30, and bring 10 new organizations to our portfolio of entities, being able to offer the financial support they so badly need to continue their commendable work.”
The 20/22 Act Foundation contributes to Puerto Rico’s socioeconomic development by directly supporting entities that are committed to helping disadvantaged communities and that work for its four pillars: social welfare and economic development; education; health; and animal welfare. The organizations that received donations during this year were:
Casa Protegida Julia de Burgos; Centros Sor Isolina Ferré; Chabad of Puerto Rico; American Red Cross, Puerto Rico Chapter; ConPrometidos; Puerto Rico United Way; Fundación Alas a la Mujer; FUNDESCO; Grupo Guayacán; Habitat for Humanity; Para la Naturaleza; Boys & Girls Club of Puerto Rico; CRECE; Hogar Cuna San Cristóbal; Hogar Mis Primeros Pasos; Hogar Niñito Jesús; Hogar Santa María Eufrasia; Instituto Nueva Escuela; Jane Stern Library; Puerto Rico Youth at Risk; KINESIS; San Juan Community Library; World Computer Exchange; Asociación Puertorriqueña Pro-Bienestar de las Familias; Fundación Asistencia Centro de Trauma; Fundación Hospital Pediátrico; SER de Puerto Rico; American Cancer Society; VOCES; Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare Inc.; FEPA; For the Love of Satos; HSUS de Puerto Rico; Karma Honey Project; Puerto Rico Alliance for Companion Animals; and Save-a-Gato.
“We thank our members, partners and collaborators who make it possible to continue creating strong connections with these entities and the communities they serve; helping us to reaffirm our commitment to the island. It is an excellent way to end another year full of challenges, knowing that our contributions will help to improve the quality of life through these organizations,” Rill said.